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得逞的英文翻译 得逞英文怎幺说 得逞的英文例句




    to have one's way
    to prevail
    to succeed

one [wʌn]

    pron.一个人,任何人,一方 num.一,一个 adj.一方的,某一,同样的

way [wei]

    n.路,路线,路途,习惯,行业,规模,道路,情形 adj.中途,途中的 adv.远远地,大大地,非常

prevail [pri'veil]



由于炸弹过早爆炸, (恐怖分子的)阴谋未能得逞。The plot backfired (on the terrorist) when the bomb exploded too soon.他的罪恶企图未能得逞。His evil designs were frustrated.他企图欺骗我们,但没有得逞。He was foiled in his attempt to deceive us/His attempt to deceive us was foiled.我知道,你向我们耍手腕总是能得逞。I know you can always get everything you want by playing us politics.欺诈也许能得逞一时,诚实却能长存万世。Knavery may serve for a turn but honesty is best at the long run.希特勒对西欧发动闪电战得逞一时。Hitler's blitzkrieg attack on western europe succeeded for a while.这个骗子的奸计不会得逞。The impostor will not get away with his insidious wiles.厚重的铁门使盗贼开启保险箱的企图无法得逞。The heavy steel doors mocked the attempts of the thieves to open the safe.咱们走着瞧。我不会让你得逞的。Just wait and see. I won't let you get away with that.这种企图也是不可能得逞的。It is impossible for them to succeed.

