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的姐的英文翻译 的姐英文怎幺说 的姐的英文例句



[de jiě]

    taxi driver sister

taxi [tæksi]

    n.计程车 v.乘坐计程车

driver [draivә(r)]

    n.驾驶员 n.[计] 驱动器,驱动程式 n.[机]起子,主动轮,传动器

sister [sistә(r)]

    n.姐妹,姐,女会员,修女,妹 vt.姐妹般对待


那船向它的姐妹发了信号,然后继续往前驶去。The ship signalled her sister ship and then stood on.其后,伯利克里的姐妹和最小的嫡子也相继去世了。Then the sister of pericles died and then his last legitimate son.他的姐姐是电视业的重要人物。His sister is someone in television.他的姐姐是位老处女。His elder sister is an old maid.他脑子一热,拿起话筒,打电话给普利托里亚的姐姐。On impulse he picked up the phone and dialed his sister in pretoria.她是你的亲姐姐,还是同母异父的姐姐?都不是,她是我同父异母的姐姐。Is she your elder full sister or uterine sister? Neither she is my consanguine sister.我根本没有那种可亲的姐妹感情。I had no nice sisterly feelings at all.王太太日夜照料小保罗和他的姐姐已将近12个月了。Mrs wang had kept watch and ward over little paul and his sister for nearly twelve months.我的姐夫真是一个笨蛋。My brother-in-law is a real muttonhead.我和jane都是妇女联谊会的姐妹Jane and I were sorority sists.我死后,房子将仍归属我的姐姐。When I die the house will revert to my sister.

