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特地的英文翻译 特地英文怎幺说 特地的英文例句




    for a special purpose

specially [speʃәli]


special [speʃ(ә)l]

    n.特派员,专车,专刊 adj.特别的,特殊的,专门的,专用的

purpose [pә:pәs]

    n.目的,意图,用途,效果,决心,意志 vt.打算,企图,决心


穆沙拉夫派兵进入斯瓦特地区,并对马哈苏德的藏身之处进行了轰炸。Mr musharraf sent the army into swat and bombed mr mehsud's hideouts in waziristan.普林塞萨港地下河国家公园以雄伟的石灰石喀斯特地貌和那里的地下河流而举世闻名。This park features a spectacular limestone karst landscape with an underground river.她在皈依味增爵时,便特地选了散普丽斯做名字。On entering the order of saint vincent de paul she had taken the name of simplice by special choice.特地绕回那三不管地带... Wanted to go back through no man's land.投机者特地指定了这种物种标本的规範。Tc m speculator specifically specified the spech ification8863665of this species specimen.谢谢,我特地买的Thanks. I bought it specially.


喀斯特地形 KARSTIC feature; karst topography

喀斯特地段路基 subgrade in karst zone又称"岩溶地段路基"。

喀斯特地貌 karst landform又称"岩溶地貌"。

喀斯特地貌学 karst geomorphology又称"岩溶地貌学"。

夹片-筒管式机织阿克明斯特地毯 gripp-spool Axminster carpet

德本特地毯 Derbent rug

拉巴特地毯 Rabat rug

拉巴特地毯 Rabat rug

普拉特和海福特地壳均衡模型 isostatic model of pratt and hayford model

特地 all the way

独特地 all her own; all his own; all my own; all our own; all own; all their own; all your own

米特地毯圆网印花机 Mitter printing machine

维歇特地震仪 Wiechert seismograph

阿克斯明斯特地毯 Axminster carpet

阿克斯明斯特地毯 Axminster carpet

高级阿克明斯特地毯 Royal Axminster carpet

高级阿克明斯特地毯 Royal Axminster carpet

