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[tè lái]

    to come with a specific purpose in mind

come [kʌm]

    vi.来,来临,到达,出现,来(自),出生(于),开始 int.嗨! vbl.来,到达,合计为

specific [spi'sifik]

    n.特效药,细节 adj.详细而精确的,明确的,特殊的,特效的,[生物]种的

purpose [pә:pәs]

    n.目的,意图,用途,效果,决心,意志 vt.打算,企图,决心

mind [maind]

    n.头脑,智力,精神,意见,情绪 vi.介意,照顾,留心 vt.注意,留意,专心于,照看,介意


罗马尼亚在现任总统特来安?巴塞斯库领导下已经成为了大西洋主义在黑海地区的坚固堡垒。Romania under its president traian basescu is a bastion of atlanticism in the black sea region.这一天,老皮特来到联合广场,在往常坐过的长椅上坐了下来。Old pete took his seat this day on his usual bench in union square.从斯图加特来的报告显示,In the decision that came from stuttgart对玛格利特来说,书写是很重要的一件事。Writing was always important to margaret.欢迎到北普拉特来,先生Man: welcome to north platte sir.今天,我和凯•兰特来讲一下空间科学家韦恩赫••劳恩的故事。Today kay gallant and I tell the story of space scientist wernher von braun.你意思是说追击者不怕温彻斯特来福枪?You mean someone that ain't scared of a winchester rifle?他期盼着派特来电话。He longed for pat to phone.

