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逃走的英文翻译 逃走英文怎幺说 逃走的英文例句




    to escape
    to flee
    to run away

escape [i'skeip]

    n.逃,逃亡,溢出设备,出口,逃跑,[植]野生 vi.逃脱,避开,溜走 vt.逃避,避免,被忘掉

flee [fli:]

    vt.逃避,逃跑,逃走 vi.消散,逃,消失


蒂莉破开了门逃走了。Tilly broke the door and ran away.绝不要消失或逃走。Never disappear or run away.那干嘛不用超速一溜烟儿逃走呢?Why don't you just use your superspeed and run away?那头猪哇哇地叫着,缩紧它的尾巴逃走了。The pig squealed curled up its tail tightly and ran off.他们很幸运地安全逃走了。They were lucky to escape unhurt.他逃走了,但员警正紧紧追蹤他。He got away but the police are hot on his trail.小偷未受惩罚逃走了。The thief got away scot-free.一个从趣味不相投的位置逃走的人。Someone who flees from an uncongenial situation.一个囚犯逃走了。A prisoner has broken out.一天早晨,他的债主们发现他已连夜逃走,不知去向。One morning his creditors discovered he had done a moonlight flit and vanished.因为他从紫禁城逃走?Because he ran away from the forbidden city?


从...逃走 run away from

向与猎物逃走的相反的方向追去 hunt counter

急忙逃走 make our lucky

连忙逃走 cut and run

逃走 run away; stump your chalks; take flight; take my hook; take our hook; taken to our heels; taken to your heels; took my hook; took our hook; turn her back upon; turn the back

闯了祸逃走的 hit-and-run

