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大意的英文翻译 大意英文怎幺说 大意的英文例句




    general idea
    main idea

general [dʒenәr(ә)l]

    n.普通,将军,概要 adj.一般的,普通的,综合的,概括的,全面的,大体的 n.常规

idea [ai'diә]


main [mein]

    n.主要部分,体力,力量,大陆,要点,干线 adj.主要的,重要的,全力的 n.[计] 主群组


请把这篇文章的大意归纳一下。Will you please sum up the main ideas of the article?她把他描述成是个粗心大意的人。She wrote him down as negligent.我不记得她回答的大意了。I forget the tenor of her reply.我粗心大意给错了你电话号码。I slip up and give you the wrong phone number.小偷扒窃粗心大意的人口袋里的东西。Thieves pick the pockets of unwary people.用两页写出这一章的大意。Precis this chapter in two pages.由于粗心大意而未切断电源的扩音器。A microphone inadvertently left live.摘要阐述了发展绿色农产品产业重大意义。The development of green farm produce possess very important signification in modem society.这只不过是另一本没多大意思的小说。It's just another pappy novel.


具有重大意义的 of consequence

大意 general effect; general tenor

大意如下的声明 statement to the following effect

大意是 to the effect that

大意是说 to the effect that

大意相同 to the same effect

对...具有重大意义 fundamental to

对...有很大意义 be of great value to

对...有重大意义 am of importance to; are of importance to; is of importance to; was of importance to; were of importance to

有重大意义 be great importance; of significance

有重大意义的 of inportance; of last importance

由于粗心大意 by oversight

疏忽大意过失 careless negligence; careless and inadvertent negligence; negligence of carelessness

粗心大意的 inconscient; negligent

