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    plentiful (e.g. harvest)

plentiful [plentiful]


harvest [ha:vist]

    n.收穫,收成,结果,成果 v.收穫,收割


他们的士气大有提高。Their morale had greatly improved.她当着孩子的面夸奖他,说他长得好,比从前大有进步了。She praised the lad to his face and said he was well-grown and very much improved.这当然大有关係。It will surely matter a lot.这其中大有哲理。There is much philosophy in it.这一行动大有推翻政府之势。This action threatens to topple the government.徵婚启事也大有改观,数量更多且更为谦逊。Personal ads have also undergone a sea change growing more numerous and more humble.


不大有作用 gone a kittle way; went a kittle way

不大有成功可能 off the scent

不大有用 to little avail

其中大有文章 thereby hangs a tale

大大有利于 go a long way in; go a long way towards; goes a long way in; goes a long way towards; gone a long way in; gone a long way towards; went a long way in; went a long way towards

大大有助于 go a long way in; go a long way towards; goes a long way in; goes a long way towards; gone a long way in; gone a long way towards; went a long way in; went a long way towards

大有价值的 of great worth

大有出入 it makes all the difference that

大有助于 go far toward

大有希望 be full of promise

大有帮助 gone a long way

大有用处 go for much; goes for much; gone for much; went for much

大有获胜的可能 be on ice

大有进步 made great strides; make great strides; make much way

对...大有用处 go a long way in

对...大有贡献 go far to; gone far towards; went far towards

最大有效位 most significant digit

