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逃离的英文翻译 逃离英文怎幺说 逃离的英文例句




    to run out
    to escape

run [rʌn]

    n.跑,赛跑,奔跑,运转,趋向 vi.跑,奔,逃跑,竞选,跑步,蔓延,进行,行驶 vt.使跑,参赛,追究,使流,管理,运行,开动 adj.熔化的,融化的,浇铸的 vbl.run的过去式和过去分词

out [aut]

    adj.外面的,下台的,出局的 adv.在外,出声地,显露出来地,明显地,从头至尾地 n.外面,外出,外观 vt.赶出,击倒,使退场 vi.外出,暴露 prep.通过

escape [i'skeip]

    n.逃,逃亡,溢出设备,出口,逃跑,[植]野生 vi.逃脱,避开,溜走 vt.逃避,避免,被忘掉


后来,在冬季,她从比利牛斯山逃离了法国。Later she escaped from france over the pyrenees mountains during winter.罗瑟一家设法逃离了,但是其他人不如他们幸运。The rosario family managed to flee but others were not so lucky.那幺我也可以逃离炼狱I might be able to skip purgatory altogether.你不是每天都可以逃离黑死病的魔爪的,凯特It's not every day you escape the clutches of the black death kate.他的航海技术使他们避开了礁石,轮船安全逃离了灾难。As a result of his seamanship they avoided the rocks and the ship was saved from disaster.她是否会带他一起逃离?Could she run away with him?我们逃离了下沉的船。We abandon the sinking ship.我只是想看到sigmund逃离那个紫色木偶I just want to make sure sigmund gets away from that big purple puppet with the...这座监狱的看守已被捕,一名高级警官已经逃离瓜地马拉。The prison's warden has been arrested; a top police officer has fled the country.


不法逃离交通肇祸现场罪 crime of illegal escape from the scene of traffic accident

军人逃离部队罪 crime of evasion of military service

带着...逃离 fly off with

携...秘密地逃离 decamp with

机灵地逃离 steer clear of

紧急逃离系统 abort escape system

逃离 fly from; shut of

逃离保释罪 jumping bail

逃离美元 flight from the dollar

逃离货币 flight from currency

逃离部队罪 escaping from the army

通过...方式逃离 escape by

