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讨价还价的英文翻译 讨价还价英文怎幺说 讨价还价的英文例句




    haggle over price

haggle [hæg(ә)l]

    v.争价 n.争价

over [әuvә(r)]

    adv.结束,越过,从头到尾 prep.在...之上,越过 adj.上面的 vt.额外的东西,越过 n.额外的东西

price [prais]

    n.价格,价钱,代价 vt.给...定价,问...的价格,标明价格


做生意就是要讨价还价。To bargain is unavoidable in business.工会为缩短工作周而讨价还价。The unions bargained for a shorter working week.工会为缩短工作周而与资方讨价还价。The unions bargained with management for a shorter working week.老特威迪在讨价还价方面可真精明哩。Hard as nails at a bargain old tweedy.你是不是逛许多商店来讨价还价?Do you shop around a lot for bargains?如同任何其他的会员国一样,波兰有权同欧盟讨价还价。Like any other member state poland has every right to haggle with the eu.自由民主党在学校午餐问题上与工党正在讨价还价。The liberal democrats are horsetrading with labour over the school meals issue.


不容讨价还价 take it or leave it

善于讨价还价斤斤计较的人 shaver

拼命讨价还价 drive a hard bargain; driven a hard bargin; drove a hard bargain

普通讨价还价 arm''s-length bargaining

特别会讨价还价的 too far north

精明地讨价还价 horse trade

艰难的讨价还价 hard bargain

讨价还价 price bargain; price haggling; haggling; huckster over; bargaining; bargain over the price; haggle over

讨价还价买卖略 bargaining strategy

讨价还价协议 bargain

讨价还价后卖掉 bargain

讨价还价的地位 bargaining position

讨价还价的能力 bargaining power

讨价还价者 bargainer

讨价还价能力 bargaining power

试图与...讨价还价 bargain with

通过讨价还价把价格降下来 bargain down

