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抚育的英文翻译 抚育英文怎幺说 抚育的英文例句




    to nurture
    to raise
    to foster

nurture [nә:tʃә(r)]

    n.养育,教育,教养,营养品 vt.养育,给与营养物,教养

raise [reiz]

    n.上升,高地,提出 vt.升起,唤起,提高,使出现,解除,饲养,筹集,使复活


在父母的慈爱的抚育下,我度过了幸福的童年。I spent a happy childhood under the loving care of my parents.受过了“沉默”和“悠久”的抚育,Thou foster-child of silence and slow time特勒斯是个老实人,他多年辛勤劳动,抚育他的孩子。Tellus was an honest man who labored hard for many years to bring up his children.只有几种蚂蚁可以抚育与自己并不相关的后代。The practice of rearing unrelated offspring occurs in several ant species.


亲代抚育 parental care

幼林抚育 tending after young plantation

异亲抚育 alloparent care

抚育 bring up; foster; nurture; rear

抚育案件 case of fostering children

抚育细胞 nurse cell

抚育费 fostering expense; rearing expenses

抚育费案件 case on fostering expenses

抚育採伐 intermediate cutting

森林抚育 tending of woods

森林抚育机械 forest cultivation machinery

森林抚育採伐 tending and cutting of forest

森林抚育间伐 forest thinning

胸腺抚育细胞 thymic nurse cell

追索抚育费案件 case involving a claim for cost of upbringing

