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服役的英文翻译 服役英文怎幺说 服役的英文例句




    to serve in the army
    in active service

serve [sә:v]

    v.当僕人,服务,服役,供职,招待,侍候,供应,适合 n.发球

army [a:mi]


active [æktiv]

    adj.积极的,能起作用的,现行的,[语法]主动的,活动的,活跃的,活性的;n.[语法] 主动语态,积极分子

service [sә:vis]

    n.服务,服务性工作,服役,仪式 vt.保养,维修 adj.(军队)服现役的,服务性的,僕人的,耐用的


史巴克,星舰学院的学员,开始在pike舰长指挥的「企业号」中服役。Spock a cadet at starfleet acady begins serving aboard the enterprise under captain pike.他曾在美国海军陆战队服役,任军官。He served as an officer in the united states marine corps.他带着平凡的服役记录离开了军队。He retired from the army with undistinguished record of service.他在1964年参加了空军,服役了1o年。He joined the air force in1964and spent ten years in theservice.他在一艘驱逐舰上服役。He is attached to a destroyer.他在英国商船队服役多年。He served for many years in the british merchant navy.我兄弟在海军服役。My brother is in the navy.这是我曾经服役的炮艇模型This is a modei of pt boat on which I served徵召招收后备军人服役的行为或情况The act or an instance of summoning reserve military personnel to active service.


仅在战时服役的 Hostilities Only

免除服役 exempted from military service

军官服役条例 regulation on the service of officers

在...中服役 serve with

小服役土地保有 petty serjeanty

强制服役权 impressment

强迫服役 impressment

服役 serve in; serve under; trail a pike

服役年龄 age for enlistment; enlistment age

服役期 hitch

服役船 n. in-service boat

现役军官服役条例 rules on the service of officers on the active list

继续服役 soldier on

超期服役 extended activy duty; extended service in the army

