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    thick fog

thick [θik]

    adj.厚的,粗的,稠的,浓的 n.最拥挤部份,活动最多部份,事物的粗大浓密部份

fog [fɔg; (-) fɔ:g]

    n.雾,烟雾,尘雾,迷惑,苔藓 vi.被雾笼罩,变模糊 vt.使困惑,以雾笼罩


他可能被大雾耽误了。He could have been delayed by fog.我们被大雾困在伦敦机场达十二小时。We were fogbound at london airport for12hours.一艘船在大雾中隐隐出现。A ship is looming in a dense fog.在大雾里他只得凭仪器来降落。In the heavy fog he had to make the landing by flying blind.在这大雾中开车太危险了。The fog made driving pretty dicey.2004年冬季一次大雾天气过程分析A synoptic analysis of heavy fog in winter in2004大雾就像黄豆汤一样浓。The fog was as thick as pea-soup.大雾使我们看不见。The thick fog blinds us.飞机在大雾中坠毁。The plane crashed in thick fog.浓重的大雾使得交通完全中断。The dense fog paralyzed the traffic.若移至大湖区,就会很大雾Lf she decides to push over the great lakes it could get plenty soupy.太阳光穿过大雾泛白地照耀着。The sun shone whitely through the mist.这像大雾或夜盲、要你丢你丢场外。It's like a thick fog or night blindness and it wants to throw you off course so you lose your way.

