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大为的英文翻译 大为英文怎幺说 大为的英文例句





muchly [mʌtʃli]



那些倾向改革的组织都被民运的转变感到大为惊讶。Some pro-reform organisations are aghast at the mdc's reversal.乔听到这个消息后大为惊恐。Joe was terrified at the news.使民族道德心大为震动的事实披露。Disclosures which have shocked the moral conscience of the nation.她自尽的消息使我们大为震惊。We were bowled over by the news of her suicide.我对他的行为大为困惑不解。His behaviour is a complete puzzle to me.小李答应与他结婚使他大为激动。Xiaoli's promise to marry him made his spine tingle.一个报童或擦鞋儿童如何长大为受人尊敬的有钱人。The story tells about a little newsboy or shoeshine boy who grew up to become rich and respected.


以趋向无穷大为极限 approach infinity as a limit

使...大为伤心 cause much sorrow to

使...大为恼火 drive someone up the wall

大为光火 go through the roof

大为吃惊 be filled with amazement

大为恶化 gone to the dogs; hold to the dogs

大为成功 came through with flying colors; came through with flying colours; come off with flying colours; come through with flying colors; come through with flying colours

大为烦恼 have a fit

大为生气 see red

对...大为吃惊 be amazed at

比...大为优越 streets ahead of

说出使人大为震谅的事 drop a bombshell; explode a bombshell

还大为缺乏 seek in

