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大体上的英文翻译 大体上英文怎幺说 大体上的英文例句




    in general terms

overall [әuvәr'ɔ:l]


general [dʒenәr(ә)l]

    n.普通,将军,概要 adj.一般的,普通的,综合的,概括的,全面的,大体的 n.常规

terms [tə:mz]

    n [pl] 1 (a) conditions offered or accepted (提出的或接受的)条件: peace terms 和平条件 * according to the terms of the contract 按照合同的条件. (b) payment offered or asked (付出的或索要的)报酬, 代价: hire-purchase on easy terms 优惠的分期付款 * enquire about terms for renting a house 询问租房子的价钱. 2 way of expressing oneself 表达方式; 措辞; 说法: protest in the strongest terms 以最强硬的措词抗议 * He referred to your work in terms of high praisein percentage terms. 那些数字是以百分数表示的. on equal terms => equal. on one's ownsb else decides 按个人[他人]决定的条件


我大体上同意你的意见。Broadly speaking I agree with you.但大体上可分为两类。But two classes may be roughly seen.第二部分是在经济上大体上可以自给的。The second section consists of those who in the main are economically self-supporting.分类学大体上是很主观和直观的。Taxonomy is very largely subjective and intuitive.那本小说大体上来说枯燥无味。The novel was for the main uninteresting.这类理论大体上是正确的。Such theories are essentially correct.这两个词大体上可以交换使用。The twp wprds are virtually interchangeable.这些大体上是为出口而製造的。These are manufactured chiefly for export.


从大体上看来 take all in all

以大体上相同的方式 in much the same way

大体上 by and large; endorser in general; for the main; in essence; in gross; in principle; in the gross; in the main; in the mass; in the rough; on the whole; upon the whole

