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打碎的英文翻译 打碎英文怎幺说 打碎的英文例句




    to shatter
    to smash
    to break into pieces

shatter [ʃætә(r)]

    n.粉碎,碎片,落花(叶,粒等) vt.打碎,使散开,粉碎,破坏 vi.粉碎,损坏,落叶

smash [smæʃ]

    v.打碎,粉碎 n.打碎,粉碎 adj.出色的

break [breik]

    n.休息,暂停,破裂,突变 v.打破,违犯,折断,削弱,超过,突变


你想打碎七座圣母玛利亚塑像?You want to breaks even virgin marys?女僕把花瓶给打碎了,想加以掩饰过失。The maid broke the vase and tried to smooth over her fault.球打碎了玻璃窗。The ball smashed the window.球打碎了窗玻璃。The ball shattered the window.石头撞击窗户打碎了玻璃。The impact of the stone against the windowpane shatter the glass.是你打碎的吗?Did you just smash this?他的窗子给人打碎了。He got his window smashed.我把钱放在信封里,并附了张纸条,解释说我很抱歉打碎了她的窗户,I put the money in an envelope with a note explaining that I was sorry for breaking her window已经打碎的花瓶,再也无法拼合了。It is impossible to piece together the broken vase.用来打碎鸡蛋或搅拌奶油的装置。A device for beating eggs or whipping cream.小心,否则你会把那花瓶打碎!Taking care otherwise you can break that flower vase!


打碎 comb

打碎玻璃型火灾报警盒 break glass call point

把...打碎 smash in

生铁打碎机 pig iron breaker

饲料打碎机 fodder smasher

