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    general trends

general [dʒenәr(ә)l]

    n.普通,将军,概要 adj.一般的,普通的,综合的,概括的,全面的,大体的 n.常规

trends [trendz]



大势所趋,人心所向,这已无可阻止。The general trend of events and the will of the people had become irresistible.大势已去,非人力可挽。His day had gone and no human power could save it.会计準则全球趋同已是大势所趋。The general trend of accounting principles is being identical.电脑的日益普及是大势所趋。Ever-increasing computerization is the shape of things to come.经常走出独立于大盘的走势,一般发生在大势乐观之时;Often brings out independent of the movement occurred in the general trend of optimism;你在和一个强大势力作对You'll be butting up against a brick wall.西藏的现代化发展和社会进步是大势所趋、人心所向。Tibet's modernization and social progress are part of the general trend and popular feeling.这是大势所趋,人心所向。This is the general trend of development and the common aspiration of the people.摘要药品集中招标採购作为一项国策,已是大势所趋,不可逆转。As a national policy the drug centralized bid procurement is a historic choice.


市场大势 long swings

认识大势所趋 knew how the wind blows; know how the wind blows; known how the wind blows; knows how the wind blows; saw how the wind blows; see how the wind blows; seen how the wind blows

