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打扰的英文翻译 打扰英文怎幺说 打扰的英文例句




    to disturb
    to bother
    to trouble

disturb [di'stә:b]

    vt.弄乱,打乱,打扰,扰乱 v.扰乱

bother [bɔðә(r)]

    vt.烦扰,打扰 vi.烦恼,操心 n.麻烦,烦扰 v.打扰


你看上去很忙──但愿我没有打扰你。是指进入思考或视线之中:You look busy-i hope I'm not obtrude is to push forward as into consideration or sight:你们打扰我练习双簧管了You're disturbing my oboe practice.你怨恨marni的打扰吗?Did you resent marni's intrusion?请原谅我打扰你。Pardon me for disturbing you.如果他睡着了,就不要随便打扰他。If he sleeps he must not be wantonly disturbed.使苦恼,烦扰经常不断地打扰或烦扰To pester or annoy persistently or incessantly.他的鼾声打扰了我们的睡眠。His snore disturbed our sleep.我不想为了精神病的评估来打扰你I won't bother you with the psychiatric evaluations恬静的平静而安宁;未被打扰的Calm and serene; unruffled.我很抱歉在这个时候打扰你。I'm sorry to obtrude on you at such a time.我只会打扰公主殿下一会儿I'll only disturb your royal highness a moment.易怒的,易变的容易被触犯或打扰的;易发脾气的Easily offended or upset; touchy.这样打扰你们我真过意不去。I'm terribly sorry to break in on you like this.


不打扰 let be

别打扰 gone jump in the lake; went jump in the lake

打扰 break in upon; break upon; broke in on; broke in upon; broke upon; broken in on; broken in upon; obtrude on; put to annoyance

用...打扰 bother with

线路打扰 line hit

