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    arrive at a station

arrive [ә'raiv]


station [steiʃ(ә)n]

    n.位置,岗位,地位,身份,...局,...站 vt.驻扎,配置


火车到站误点了。The train got in late.这列火车正点到站。The train pulled in right on time.那辆汽车到站了,车里的旅客挤得像罐头里的沙丁鱼。The bus arrived at the station with passengers packed like sardines.请注意!从长沙来的2次车马上就要到站了。Attention, please, train2 from Changsha will be in dire当公车一到站时,一些乘客上了车。When the bus came to a stop, some passengers got on.列车到达车站往宝琳列车即将到站,请先让乘客落车,多谢合作。The train to po lam is arriving; please let passenger exit first thank you.当我到达检票处时,昆明的列车正好到站。When we reached the ticket barrier the kumming train was just drawing in.她走到站台端处的报摊上买了一份报纸。She went to the news-stand at the end of the platform and bought a paper.我得意地见到站长了Where l met the stationmaster with elation.


到站 station of destination

到站交付前费用已付 delivered free to destination

到站国家 country of destination station

始发终到站作业费 operational fees for loading, unloading, delivering goods at railway stations

接到站编组 classification by destination

站到站 container freight station to container freight station, CFS to CFS

货车到站数 car lots

运输到站 transport terminal

门到站 door to CFS

集装箱货运站到站 CFS to CFS

