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付钱的英文翻译 付钱英文怎幺说 付钱的英文例句




    to pay money

pay [pei]

    n.薪水,工资 v.支付,交纳,给予,有利,值得,合算

money [mʌni]



请问怎样付钱?先填写好这张汇单。Can you tell me how to send money? First fill out this money order.三号柜檯的出纳员会根据您的号码牌付钱给您。The teller at counter3will pay you against your number slip.他付钱给了一个製造假模特的公司It's for a dummy corporation that he set up at the vox and billing.他们付钱是来听男演员演唱“老人河”的。Because most people paid to hear the actor sing old man river.她很冒失地让我付钱。Then she had the temerity to ask me to pay for it.我不是付钱来请你思考的,玛克辛Well you don't get paid to think maxine.我会在勒索赎金之外付钱给你I'll pay you out of the ransom money.我想打63243606,对方付钱。I'd like to make a reverse-charge call to63243606.小巧精緻的别墅;能说服美国人为小巧精緻的汽车付钱吗?Bijou villas; can americans be persuaded to pay out dollars for bijou cars?要幺付钱,要幺捲舖盖走人。Pay up or pack up.这种费用是根据收入高低滑动折算的(富人多付钱)Fees are calculated on a sliding scale according to income ie richer people pay more.总是要求我为学校郊游付钱。I'm always being asked to stump up for school outings.


不如期付钱 be behind

付钱 lay it on the line; made a riffle; pony; tell down; up

付钱获得成员资格 bought herself into; bought himself into; bought myself into; bought ourselves into; bought themselves into; bought yourself into; buy herself into; buy himself into; buy myself into; buy ourselves into; buy themselves into

骗取货物而不付钱的滑头商号 long firm

