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倒退的英文翻译 倒退英文怎幺说 倒退的英文例句




    to fall back
    to go in reverse

fall [fɔ:l]

    n.秋天,落下,瀑布,降低,落差,採伐量,堕落,下降 vi.倒下,落下,来临,失守,变成,垮台,下跌,阵亡 vt.击倒,砍倒(树木) adj.秋天的

back [bæk]

    adj.后面的,在后面,早过去的,前(欠)的钱 adv.向后地 n.背部,后面 v.后退,支持

reverse [ri'vә:s]

    n.相反,背面,反面,倒退 adj.相反的,倒转的,颠倒的 vt.颠倒,倒转


第三,坚持进步的立场,反对任何的倒退运动。Third firm adherence to the stand of progress and opposition to any retrogression.坚持进步,反对倒退!Persist in progress and oppose retrogression!那匹马看到汽车惊得往后倒退。The horse shied at the car.是把历史拉向后退,要倒退好多年。It would be a retrogression of history a retrogression of many years.他们不但不进,而且要向后倒退。Not only do they refuse to move forward they actually want to go back.我觉得这不是倒退性失忆I don't think it's retrograde aesia.这是民主的倒退。It's the setback of democracy.这种作法会导致无穷倒退。The attempt leads to an infinite regress.政府的整个交通策略是一个大倒退。The government's whole transport strategy is a huge retrieves step.中国绝大多数人决不允许历史倒退。The overwhelming majority of the chinese people will never allow such a retrogression.


从...倒退 regress from

使...倒退 back up

使时光倒退 put back the clock; put the clock back; set back the clock; set the clock back; turn back the clock; turn the clock back

倒退 n. regression

倒退到 regress to

倒退排气凸轮 n. astern exhaust cam

倒退排气门凸轮 n. astern exhaust cam

倒退的 backward

倒退着走 walk backwards

倒退绕组 retrogressive winding

倒退船 backwards ship

倒退键 backspace key

大倒退 throwback

鬆懈倒退 slipped back

经济突然大倒退 superbust

