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付款方式的英文翻译 付款方式英文怎幺说 付款方式的英文例句



[fùkuǎn fāngshì]

    terms of payment
    payment method

terms [tə:mz]

    n [pl] 1 (a) conditions offered or accepted (提出的或接受的)条件: peace terms 和平条件 * according to the terms of the contract 按照合同的条件. (b) payment offered or asked (付出的或索要的)报酬, 代价: hire-purchase on easy terms 优惠的分期付款 * enquire about terms for renting a house 询问租房子的价钱. 2 way of expressing oneself 表达方式; 措辞; 说法: protest in the strongest terms 以最强硬的措词抗议 * He referred to your work in terms of high praisein percentage terms. 那些数字是以百分数表示的. on equal terms => equal. on one's ownsb else decides 按个人[他人]决定的条件

payment [peimәnt]


method [meθәd]



我们的付款方式是货到付款。Our payments are cash on delivery这家店办理分期预付的付款方式吗?Does this store have a layaway plan?定购不接受安付通付款方式。No escrow payment for special order.根据公司商务政策要求争取最佳的销售价格和付款方式。Negotiating the best selling price and payment terms under the company policy.公司购买长期资产时经常使用分期付款方式或使用远期应付票据。Companies often purchase plant assets on an installment plan or by issuing a note payable.核实您的付款方式?Verify your mode of payment?顺便问一下,贵公司要求的付款方式是下定金呢,还是远期付款?As for your payment term by the way be they down payment or unasked payment?


付款方式 type of payment

以分期付款方式 on easy terms; on the never never

以分期付款方式出售 installment sale

以分期付款方式支付 pay by installments

以分期付款方式,以宽厚的条件 on easy terms

以分期付款方式,以宽厚的条件 on easy terms

按分期付款方式购货而附加于价格之上的费用 carrying charge

改变付款方式条款 commutation clause

