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俘虏的英文翻译 俘虏英文怎幺说 俘虏的英文例句





captive [kæptiv]

    n.俘虏,被美色或爱情迷住的人 adj.被俘的,被迷住的


反叛者把他俘虏了。The rebels took him prisoner.俘虏拘留营:没活干的俘虏们就留在这里。Stokade: unemployed captives are housed in the stockade.没工作,韦特就出不了俘虏营But without work walter can't leave the camp他的弟弟在战争中被俘,关到某地一所不为人知的俘虏营里。His brother was taken prisoner during the war and was shut in a unknown interment camp.他下令释放这个俘虏。He ordered the prisoner to be released.为俘虏寻求仁慈的待遇Sought merciful treatment for the captives.玉米田:玉米用来作俘虏吃的粗食,还可以製作海盗吃的啤酒和航海食品。Corn farm: corn makes slop for captives plus beer and sea rations for pirates.这些俘虏排成单行走进灰色的平顶房子就不见了。The prisoners disappear in single file into the gray flat-roofed building.


俘虏 held captive; hold captive; lead captive; led captive; take captive; taken captive; took captine

俘虏待遇 treatment of prisoners of war; POWs

俘虏拘留所 internment camp

做俘虏 yield herself prisoner; yield himself prisoner; yield itself prisoner; yield myself prisoner; yield ourself prisoner; yield themself prisoner

军人虐待俘虏罪 crime of mistreatment of prisoners of war

宣誓释放的俘虏 paroled prisoner

战争俘虏 prisoner of war

投降做俘虏 yield hiself prisoner

虐待俘虏罪 crime of maltreating prisoners of war

遣返俘虏 repatriate prisoners of war

