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探亲的英文翻译 探亲英文怎幺说 探亲的英文例句




    to go home to visit one's family

home [hәum]

    n.家,住宅,家乡,本国,产地,避难所 adj.家庭的,国内的,有效的 adv.在家,回家,深入地,在本国

visit [vizit]

    n.拜访,访问,游览,参观,(作客)逗留,视察,调查 vt.拜访,访问,参观,视察,降临 vi.访问,参观,闲谈

one [wʌn]

    pron.一个人,任何人,一方 num.一,一个 adj.一方的,某一,同样的

family [fæmili]

    n.家庭,家族,家属,亲属,子女,僚属 adj.家庭的,家族的


他每两年有一次探亲假。He gets home leave every two years.可能这些人是度探亲假的军官。Maybe they are officers in need of compassionate leave.一年或两年一度的探亲如同天边的彩虹。The yearly or the biennial visit is the rainbow on the horizon.见习期和实习期内能享受探亲假吗?Is novitiate mixed is exercitation period internal energy enjoyed visit one's family false?职工在见习期和实习期内都不能享受探亲假。The worker is mixed in novitiate cannot enjoy inside exercitation period visit one's family false.


出境探亲访友 leave the country to visit families; relatives and friends abroad

探亲假 home leave

探亲假工资 wage during home leave

探亲假旅费 travel on home leave

探亲假补贴 subsidies for home leaves

探亲旅费 travel on home leave

离监探亲 leave the prison to visit one''s families

