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到头的英文翻译 到头英文怎幺说 到头的英文例句




    in the end;to the end

end [end]

    n.末端,尽头,结束,目标,限度,梢,末端,死亡 v.结束,终结,终止


光是从公共汽车顶上往下看,我都感到头晕。Just looking down from the top of a bus makes me feel vertiginous.很不幸,我觉得你的飙车生涯到头了Unfortunately I think your motorcycling days are over.家庭主妇喜欢早起到头市购买新鲜的蔬菜和肉类。Housewives would like to get up early and go to the morning market for fresh vegetables and meat.可到头来,中国高级文化用纸却要大量进口。But eventually china has to import a large amount of high quality paper from overseas.苦修僧人反复旋转而不感到头晕。The dervishes whirl around and around without getting dizzy.那个音乐电视的聊天节目(到头来)又只是一个昙花一现的节目。That mtv rap group is just another flash in the pan.那一课没有印到头脑里去。The lesson didn't soak in.你开始感到头晕时为什幺不立即停止?Why didn't you pack in immediately when you began to feel dizzy?他把钉子敲到头。He drove the nail home.他一年忙到头。He is busy throughout the year.一年到头他赚了许多钱。He makes a lot of money all year round.这一特定的形象是我们(毛利和纽西兰人)的“思考的提基”,可以看到头是侧在一旁的。This particular image is our thinking tiki with the head tilted to the side.这只鸽子一年到头居住在这里和我们为伴。This dove was resident with us all the year round.


一到头地 year in year out

一年到头 in season and out of season; the whole year round; the year round; year in and year out

一年到头地 the year round

到头 as far as it will go; right home

到头来 in the issue

滑车拉到头 n. chockablock

钉到头 knock home

