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捣碎的英文翻译 捣碎英文怎幺说 捣碎的英文例句





smash [smæʃ]

    v.打碎,粉碎 n.打碎,粉碎 adj.出色的


把三瓣大蒜捣碎,加入混合物中。Crush three cloves of garlic and then add to the mixture.从捣碎的穀物中蒸馏得到的非法酿制的威士卡。Illegally whiskey distilled from a corn mash.内嵌在檯面下600毫米深处的垃圾捣碎机。Built-in refuse compactor that fits under a600mm deep countertop.碾槌,捣锤用来碾磨或捣碎研钵中物质的一种手持棒形工具A club-shaped hand-held tool for grinding or mashing substances in a mortar.杵,研棒一种作垂直运动来压碎或捣碎的大棒,如在压榨机或磨粉机中A large bar moved vertically to stamp or pound as in a press or mill.捣,研碎用杵或类似杵的东西磨碎、研磨或捣碎To pound grind or mash with or as if with a pestle.捣碎,碾碎,舂烂打碎成粉末或浆;磨碎或压碎To beat to a powder or pulp; pulverize or crush.我们需要一个马铃薯捣碎器。We need a potato masher.先煮熟再捣碎它们。Boil them and mash them!研磨捣碎搓擦、磨细、捣烂,使…研磨成细粉末,使成粉末状To rub crush grind or pound into fine particles or a powder; pulverize.由捣碎的南瓜、牛奶、鸡蛋和食糖做成的馅饼。Pie made of mashed pumpkin and milk and eggs and sugar.


捣碎 contusion; stamper; trituration

捣碎器 triturator

捣碎机 bruiser demolition tool gravity mill pounding machine stamp mill

捣碎机器 triturator

捣碎用研钵 mortar for pounding

捣碎锤 stamping hammer

气动砂捣碎机 pneumatic sand rammer

混凝土捣碎机 concrete breaker

马铃薯捣碎机 potato masher

