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    cutting tool

cutting [kʌtiŋ]


tool [tu:l]

    n.工具,用具,爪牙,走狗,手段 vt.用工具加工,使用设备 vi.使用工具


利用可靠性筛选试验对刀具进行预选,可以提高一批刀具的可靠性。The reliability of batch of tools can be improved by screening test.设置特殊刀具的首选工位。Set preferred stations for specific tool.苏州静冈刀具有限公司。Suzhou shizuoka doctor manufacturing co. ltd.铣刀、铰刀、拉刀和其它刀具。Grinding milling cutter reamer broach and other cutting tools.这些刀具都是用硬合金钢製造的。These cutting tools are all made of hard-alloy steels.


倒角刀具 chamfering tool

刀具 knife tool; cutters

刀具加工成本 tooling cost

刀具合金 akrit

刀具夹紧 toolholding

刀具定位资料 cutter location data

刀具技术 cutting-tool engineering

刀具用不锈钢 cutlery stainless steel

刀具研磨机 cutter finishing machine tool lapping machine

刀具磨刃器 cutter sharpener

刀具磨床 cutter grinding machine

刀具磨损 cutting-tool wear

刀具调整 toolsetting

刀具调整工 tool setter

刀具路径 tool path

刀具量规 tool gauge

刀具钢 shear steel; shearsteel

刀具预调测量仪 tool preseting measuring instrument

切削刀具 cutting tool

切断刀具 cut-off tool

压花刀具 knurling tool

双刃刀具 double-point tool

可调铰孔刀具 adjustable reaming tool

可转位机夹刀具 indexable mechanically-clamped cutting tool

台式万能刀具刃磨床 bench universal tool cutter grinder

合金钢刀具 alloy-steel cutter

圆端刀具 bull nose tool

圆锥形刀具 conical cutter

複合刀具 combination cutting tool

複合陶瓷刀具 composite ceramic cutting tool

