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    to cover

cover [kʌvә(r)]

    n.盖子,封面,藉口 vt.覆盖,铺,掩饰,保护,掩护,包括,包含,适用 vi.覆盖,涂,代替


一幅灵纹不会覆盖另一幅。Psionic tattoos cannot overlay one another.在灌木丛根基周围加覆盖物。Mulch around the base of the shrubs.在伤口处覆盖上疤痕"Covers them with scar tissue主体衣服覆盖的躯干部分The part of a garment covering the torso.嘴唇,完全覆盖口吻,并在前面均匀的交会。The lips which complete the formation of the muzzle should meet evenly in front.


一种覆盖铜钢板 suveneer

一致覆盖 uniform covering

万有覆盖面 universal covering surface

不易燃的屋面覆盖层 non-flammable roof covering

为冰所覆盖 freeze over

云覆盖 cloud cover

云覆盖区 cloud coverage所有可见云遮盖天空的部分。

人口覆盖率 bring the radio and TV programs to a) wider audience

以建筑物覆盖 build over; built over

依赖集的最优覆盖 optimal cover of set of dependencies

依赖集的最小覆盖 minimum cover of set of dependencies

依赖集的覆盖 cover of set of dependencies

保护性覆盖层 protective coating

资讯覆盖 overlaying of information

全球覆盖 global-mode coverage

全覆盖式稳定器 full cover stabilizer

全覆盖翼片式稳定器 full wrap design blade stabilizer

全面覆盖 complete coverage

记忆体分配覆盖 memory allocation overlay

判定兼条件覆盖 decision plus condition coverage

加覆盖层 case with

化学转换覆盖层 chemical conversion coating

区域覆盖 local-mode coverage

卡介苗覆盖率 BCG coverage rate

卫星覆盖区 satellite coverage

可覆盖图 coverability graph

可覆盖树 coverability tree

台阶覆盖 step-coverage

喷灌覆盖面 sprinkler coverage

团集覆盖问题 clique cover problem

