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浮雕的英文翻译 浮雕英文怎幺说 浮雕的英文例句




    relief sculpture

relief [ri'li:f]


sculpture [skʌlptʃә(r)]

    n.雕刻,雕刻品,雕塑,雕塑品,[地理] 刻蚀 v.雕刻,雕塑,刻蚀


回纹细工饰带有三维回纹饰的装饰物;几何形浮雕细工Ornamental work consisting of three-dimensional frets; geometric openwork.墓碑装饰包括浅浮雕,雕刻着死者和他的狗。Gravestone decorations included bas-reliefs showing the dead man and his dog.前壁及南北两侧,有四层精美的浮雕。On the front wall and the two side walls are four tiers of exquisite relief carvings.石家庄东方紫铜浮雕工艺品有限公司。East purple copper relievo co. ltd.用于留声机、铅字或其他浮雕的表面。Used in the production of phonograph records type or other relief surface.


下浮雕 hyporelief

全浮雕 full relief

半浮雕 semirelief

圆形浮雕 boss

地形浮雕 terrain emboss

带浮雕的陶瓷花盆 potter flower pot with perforated carving

水域浮雕地球仪 hydrographic relieg globe

浅浮雕 basrelief

浮雕 embossing

浮雕地球仪 relief globe

浮雕宝石 cameo

浮雕式地貌立体标记法 orthographical relief method

浮雕影像地图 picto-line map利用光化学技术将航摄像片的影像对比增强后所製成的在视觉上产生立体感的地图。

浮雕毛衫 sculptured knitwear

浮雕漆 sandstone effect coating

浮雕片 matrix film

浮雕玻璃 cameo glass

浮雕瓶 embossing flask

浮雕绒头织物 carved pile fabric

浮雕花瓶 flower vase,relief carving

浮雕花盆 relieve flower pot

浮雕花纹涂料 relief type coating

浮雕蜡 embossed candle

玻璃浮雕 glass cameo

石膏浮雕装饰板 plaster relief sculpture decorating plate

金属浮雕的 toreutic

青石浮雕片 black marble relief plaque

高凸浮雕 alto relievo

