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到场的英文翻译 到场英文怎幺说 到场的英文例句




    to show up
    present (at the scene)

show [ʃәu]

    n.表示,展览,炫耀,外观,假装 v.出示,指示,引导,说明,显示,展出,放映

up [ʌp]

    adv.向上,到(较高的地方,北方),起来,起床 prep.向上,在上,沿 adj.向上的,上行的

present [prez(ә)nt]

    n.赠品,礼物,现在,瞄準 adj.现在的,出席的,当面的 vt.介绍,引见,给,赠送,上演,提出,呈现 vi.举枪瞄準

scene [si:n]



为了能看到有他参加的二队比赛,整个校队的队员都开始提早到场。The entire varsity beganto come early so they could watch him play in the jayvee games.你们一到场就被废掉了Get wasted before you show up.排练时她没有到场。She defaulted on the rehearsal.他错过了球快落地时抢接的机会,球滚到场外替补队热身区去了。He missed an attempt for a shoestring catch and the ball rolled to the bullpen.我觉得必须準时到场。I felt obligated to turn up on time.我们这个白癡说他会亲自到场Our illustrious pin-head will be present in person.许多成员都缺席,特别是副主席也未到场。Many members were absent notably the vice-chairman.伊莉莎伯遵从莎莉意愿未有到场Eiizabeth stayed away out of deference to her.


以...服饰出现到场 appear in

估计到场时间 estimated time of arrival

到场 made our appearance; make their appearance; shown your face

到场报告 arrival report

到场时间 attendance time; time of arrival

场到场 container yard to container yard, CY to CY

拒不到场 failure of appearance; failure to appear at the scene

最后阶段亲自到场 be in at the finish; be in at the kill

灭火力量到场速度 speed of attack

门到场 door to courtyard; door to CY

集装箱货运站到场 CFS to container yard CY)

预计到场时间 estimated time of arrival

