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刀伤的英文翻译 刀伤英文怎幺说 刀伤的英文例句



[dāo shāng]

    cut;incised wound

cut [kʌt]

    v.切(割、削),(直线等)相交,剪,截,刺穿,刺痛,删节,开闢 n.(刀、剑、鞭等的)切削,削减,删节,伤口,切口

incised [in'saizd]


wound [wu:nd]

    n.创伤,伤口 vt.伤,伤寒 v.击伤


这些伤口与刀伤的情形正相符合(可能因刀伤所致)。The pattern of injuries is consistent with (ie could have been caused by) an attack with a knife.刀伤已穿透到了骨头,她的生命有危险。The knife wound penetrated to the bone, and her life was in danger.你看实际上这些刀伤上面还有火药痕迹没人注意到幺?You know there was actually gunpowder in the stab wounds.丑陋的伤口、刀伤、伤痕等An ugly wound gash scar etc我指关节上的意外刀伤根本算不了什幺。My own accidental cut across the knuckles was a flea-bite.报纸上说,有个精神病患者在男女共校的大学里转来转去并(女孩子)刀伤害。The newspapers say there's a psychopath going around hacking up college co-eds.人体需要维生素k来治癒刀伤和跌打伤。Vitamin k is needed by the body for healing cuts and bruises.他的前额上的刀伤已经癒合结疤了。The cut on his forehead scarred over.他前额上的刀伤结疤痊癒了。The cut on his forehead scar red over.一种最常见的药就是碘酒,矿物碘的酒精溶液。人们把它用在刀伤和擦伤处防止感染。One of the most common drugs is tincture of iodine a solution of the mineral iodine in alcohol.

