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[dào le]

    at last
    in the end

last [la:st; (-) læst]

    adj.最后的,临终的,末尾的,最近的,结论性的 vi.持续,支持,维持 vt.使维持,楦 adv.最后,后来 n.最后,末尾,临终,鞋楦头

finally [fainәli]


end [end]

    n.末端,尽头,结束,目标,限度,梢,末端,死亡 v.结束,终结,终止


fbi探员:寻宝专家本?盖茨又得到了新闻。Fbi agent: treasure hunter ben gates is on the news again.hurley和我把他拉到了那边…Hurley and I pulled him out over-millie收到了她美国笔友来的一封关于万圣节的信。Millie received a letter about halloween from her penfriend in the usa.一到了水中,澳大利亚游泳选手就如鱼得水。In the water the aussie swimmers were in their own hemisphere.一个人要是懂得,到了莽原上时该怎幺办,那是很有用处的。It was needful a man should know what he was doing when he went upon the heather.一个夏日的中午,就在林木线的下方,我看到了一只大灰熊。One summer noon just below the tree line I saw a grizzly bear.一个有争议性的先占权问题也涉及到了核能。One controversial preemption issue involves nuclear energy.一件淡蓝色马甲的袖子只垂到了她的臂弯上。The sleeves of a pale blue waist came only to her elbows.一名美联社摄影记者在斯里兰卡首都可伦坡附近的一段4英里的路程上,就看到了24具尸体。An associated press photographer near colombo sri lanka counted24bodies in a stretch of four miles.一切都恢复到了正常状态。All is back to its normal state.一位民兵偶然注意到了这个坏家伙。A militiaman happened to notice the rascal.


事情到了这样的地步以致 the matter went so far that

到了底 bottom out

到了日子 have had her day; have had his day; have had my day; have had our day; have had their day; have had your day

到了沟底 bottom out

