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负有的英文翻译 负有英文怎幺说 负有的英文例句



[fù yǒu]

    to be responsible for

responsible [ri'spɔnsib(ә)l]



第一百七十七条在救助作业过程中,救助方对被救助方负有下列义务:Article177during the salvage operation the salvor shall owe a duty to the salved party to:该医院对疏忽行为负有法律责任。The hospital was held liable for negligence.工作负责人是工作任务总指挥,负有安全的监督、监护任务。Working controller is working job general director those who have security supervise tutelar task.金属疲劳对这次由其中一个引擎分裂造成的飞机失事负有责任。Metal fatigue was blamed for the plane crash which was caused by one of the engines disintegrating.你对ojai负有责任!U ve an obligation ojai!他的父母对他的堕落负有部分责任。His parents are partly responsible for his wallow.我负有制订计画的正式责任。I have the formal responsibility for planning.在刑事审讯中,起诉人负有举证责任。In a criminal trial the burden of proof lies with the prosecutor.租户对维修负有责任。The tenant is liable for repair.


使...负有义务 put someone under an obligation

使负有义务 bind to

在...上负有责任 be responsible in

在中国负有纳税义务 be obligated to pay tax in China

对...负有责任 bear responsibility for

承认负有责任 admission of liability

负有不同的举证责任 with variation as to the burden of proof

负有义务 incur obligation

负有会计责任的 accountable

负有债务 stand in debt

负有声誉 bear reputation

负有效保护率 negative rate of effective protection

负有罪责 answer for a crime

负有罪责的过失 culpable neglect

负有责任的 accountable

负有责任的支付命令 accountable warrants

负有连带责任的 jointly and severally liable

