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[fù zhe]

    to adhere

adhere [әd'hiә(r)]

    vi.粘附,胶着,坚持 v.坚持

attachment [ә'tætʃmәnt]



他们发现有一个精神感应的蠕虫依附着生命维持系统在里面。They discover that they have a telepathic worm connected to a life support system.头节翻到外面,并以吸盘使自己附着和钩在肠壁上。The scolex turns inside out and attaches itself by suckers and hooks to the wall of the intestine.贻贝等用于将自身附着在固定表面上的一团柔韧的丝。Tuft of strong filaments by which e.g.a mussel makes itself fast to a fixed surface.


上皮附着 epithelial attachment

切除性牙周膜新附着术 excisional new attachment of periodontum, ENAP

成本附着性 cost attachment

水附着的 water clogged

泽斯特锚凹附着体 Zest anchor attachment

牙周再附着 re-attachment of periodontium

牙周新附着 new-attachment of periodontium

精密附着体 precision attachment

脐带帆状附着 cord velamentous insertion

脐带边缘附着 cord marginal insertion

自行附着的 self adhesive

附着 adhesion

附着丝 attachment filament

附着于 attached to

附着于...上 adhere to

附着力 cohesion; adhesion

附着力置 adhesive

附着器 holdfast, adhering apparatus软体动物)

附着基盘 attaching base, attachment disc

附着增加 attachment gain

附着式混凝土振捣器 attached type vibrator for concrete, attached type vibrator

附着式震动器 attached type vibrator

附着性 adhesive quality

附着斑 attachment plaque

附着板 lamina affixa

附着枝 hyphopodium

附着核糖体 bound ribosome, attached ribosome

附着水舌 adhering nappe

附着涡 bound vortex

附着激波 attached shock

