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导盲犬的英文翻译 导盲犬英文怎幺说 导盲犬的英文例句



[dǎo máng quǎn]

    guide dog (for the blind)
    Seeing Eye dog

guide [gaid]

    n.领路人,导游者,嚮导,引导者,指南 vt.指导,支配,管理,带领,操纵 vi.任嚮导

dog [dɔg; (-) dɔ:g]

    n.狗,犬,类似犬的动物,卑鄙的人,小人,坏蛋 vt.跟蹤,尾随

blind [blaind]

    adj.瞎的,盲目的 vt.使失明,缺乏眼光或判断力



eye [ai]

    n.眼睛,视力,眼光,观点,见解,眼状物,风吹来的方向,[气]风眼 vt.看,注视,在...上打眼


导盲犬戴着工作用具以引导它的盲主人。The guide dog wears a working harness which allows it to lead its blind owner.可知照顾一只幼小的导盲犬需要在以色列呆一年的时间,因此只有选项不符合这个条件。Anyone who would stay in israel for a year can help care for a guide dog puppy.什幺犬适用于导盲犬?Which dog is suitable to choose as the guide dog?但是,如果一条训练无素的导盲犬碰上一只猫会怎样呢?But what happens if a poorly trained seeing-eye dog meets up with a cat?导盲犬是一种特殊的狗。A seeing-eye dog is a special dog.德国牧羊犬不是唯一的聪明的狗。另一种聪明的狗是导盲犬。German shepherds aren't the only intelligent dogs.another intelligent dog is a seeing eye dog.就需要这样一个导盲犬。You'll need a seeing eye dog.没有经过任何训练或辅导。海因茨成了特克斯的导盲犬。Without any training or coaching heinz had become tex's seeing eye dog.我不想旧事重提,但我在那导盲犬身上花了$3000I hate to bring it up again but I spent$ 3000on that seeing eye dog.我一定归还导盲犬。I will return the seeing-eye dog.一天,一只导盲犬和一个盲人一起上一辆公共汽车。One day a seeing-eye dog and a blind man got on a bus together.这种狗是导盲犬,是一种经过特殊训练帮助盲人出门的动物。This is a "seeing-eye dog" an animal specially trained to help the blind get about in public.

