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幕后的英文翻译 幕后英文怎幺说 幕后的英文例句




    behind the scenes

behind [bi'haind]

    adv.在后地 prep.在...之后


他从来不在这齣戏的下半场中真正出现--你只听到他发自幕后的声音。He never acrually appears in the second half of the play-you just hear his voice offstage.她是这次抢劫的幕后策划者。She was the mastermind behind the robbery.土美之间存在幕后交易吗?Was there a deal between turkey and america?我们拍了一点幕后花絮…We've shot a bit of behind-the-scenes stuff...一个萨克斯管在幕后悲鸣A saxophone moaned in the background.有些激进份子可能以抗议反对他企图在幕后操纵国会。Some radicals may oppose him in protest at the attempt to stage-manage the congress.越狱的幕后操纵者拿令仍来查叫。The mastermind behind the escape has never been identified.这样吧,我想从…从幕后走出来…You know what? I wanna start off... offstage and come out...


在幕后 behind the curtain

在幕后拉线 pull strings; pull wires

在幕后操作 wire pull

在幕后操纵 pull strings

对...进行幕后安排 stage manage

幕后 backstage; behind the scenes

幕后交易 backstage deal

幕后参谋主管 staff executive

幕后合伙人 dormant partner

幕后操作者 wire puller

幕后操纵 pull wires behind the scenes; wire-pulling

幕后操纵者 behindhand the scene

幕后的 behind the scenes

幕后策划 behindhand the scheming; behindhandthescheming

