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倒地的英文翻译 倒地英文怎幺说 倒地的英文例句



[dǎo dì]

    conversely;be down

conversely [kɔnvә:sli]


down [daun]

    adj.向下的 adv.向下,在下麵,下去,降下 prep.往下,沿着 n.绒毛,软毛,开阔的高地


老虎倒地死去。The tiger fell dead.步枪一响,他应声倒地而死。The rifle was fired and he fell dead in his tracks.倒地之人,勿施拳脚。Never hit a man when he's down.猎人一扣板机,狂怒的老虎应声倒地。The hunter squeezed off and down went the furious tiger.世贸中心双塔轰然倒地超级高楼还有前途吗?Some world trade center towers fell on the ground there are super high-rise future?伊莉莎白令人倾倒地兼有古代贵族和当代中产阶级的气质。Elizabeth is a fascinating mix of ancient blue blood and contemporary middle class.犯规包括击打腰带以下的部位,击打脑后勺或颈背和击打已倒地的对手。Fouls include hitting below the belt using a rabbit punch and hitting a man when he is down.他跌倒地上,受了致命伤。He fell to the ground mortally wounded.亚拿尼亚《圣经•新约》里一个说谎的人,当彼得揭穿他后他就倒地而死了In the new testament a liar who dropped dead when peter rebuked him.圆顶的、虫蛀的木牌子歪歪倒倒地插在坟墓上,Round-topped worm-eaten boards staggered over the graves圆顶的、虫蛀的木牌子无依无靠,歪歪倒倒地插在坟墓上。Round-topped worm-eaten boards staggered over the graves leaning for support and finding none.


倾倒地点 dumping ground

次序颠倒地 reverse order

颠倒地 end over end; in a retrograde order

