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[mù zhì]


wooden [wud(ә)n]



新颁布的木制包装材料法将于9月16日生效。The new wood packaging law goes into effect september16.兴隆木製品加工厂成立于1988年,是专业生产销售高档木制乐谱架及乐器盒类的私营企业。Xinlong wood work factory was found in1988.manufacture wooden music stand and music case.一块木制的板子或大浅盘,上面可以放食物,也可以将食物雕刻在上面。A wooden board or platter on which food is served or carved.用金属的头代替了传统的木制杆头的高尔夫球棍。A golf club with a metal head instead of the traditional wooden head.用来填补的防止木製品凹下去的老虎钳。A vise with jaws that are padded in order to hold lumber without denting it.在木製品上涂亮光漆Put a coat of varnish over the woodwork.长矛一种投掷武器,由木制长杆和尖锐的金属头组成A thrusting weapon with a long wooden shaft and a sharp metal head.这是个木制的工艺品It's a wooden pickle.这些是用坚固的中国象牙和真正的乌木制的。These are made of solid chinese ivory and genuine ebony.这些椅子或者是柳条製品,或者是松木製品。The chairs are either wickerwork orpine.主要以木制品类,布艺,铁製品,玻璃,蜡烛。毛绒类为主。Comprize wooden produts fabric crafts metal produts glass decoration candle and villosity produts.


乌木制的 ebony

伐木制材火灾 lumbering fire

冷杉木制的 firry

小木製品 small wooden goods

恩索哥齐木製品公司 Enso-Gutzeit Osakeyhtio

木製品 wood work

木制堵漏板 wooden patch

木制家俱 wood furniture

木制玩具 wooden toy

木制男伞柄 wooden handle for men''s umbrella

木制纸 wood paper

木制贮槽 wooden storage tank

柳木製品 willow

橡木制的 oak

竹木製品 bamboo and wood products

红木製品 blackwood products

