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蹈的英文翻译 蹈英文怎幺说 蹈的英文例句



    to tread on
    to trample
    to stamp

tread [tred]

    n.踏,步态,梯级,踏板,轮胎面,交尾,鞋底 vi.踏,行走,踩碎,践踏,交尾 vt.踩,踏,践踏,跳

trample [træmp(ә)l]

    n.踩踏,蹂躏 v.践踏,踩坏,轻视


一种包括有节奏拍打脚步的舞蹈。A dance involving a rhythmical stamping step.一种美国印第安人的祈雨舞蹈。A rain dance of amerindians.一种三拍子的波兰民族舞蹈。A polish national dance in triple time.一种三拍子的舞厅舞蹈并且第一拍子有重音。A ballroom dance in triple time with a strong accent on the first beat.一种由妇女进行的波利尼西亚人的求雨舞蹈。A polynesian rain dance performed by a woman.一种由美洲印第安人在夏至进行的祭奠舞蹈。A ceremonial dance performed by amerindians at the summer solstice.在被抑制的雌鸣鹤的模仿舞蹈中,In a very subdued imitation of the female whooping crane在橄榄球赛前,新西兰队表演了一种毛利人的战争舞蹈。Before a rugby match the new zealand team perform a maori war dance.作为社交场合一部分的舞蹈。Dancing as part of a social occasion.


亨廷顿舞蹈症 Huntington''s chorea

偏侧舞蹈症 hemichorea

化装舞会的舞蹈服 fancy dress

循规蹈矩 keep on the straight and narrow; keep to the straight and narrow; walk a chalk line; walk the chalkmark

循规蹈矩的 hew to the line

舞蹈、默剧作品 choreographic works and dumb show

舞蹈作品 choreographic works

舞蹈徐动症 choreoathetosis

舞蹈服 dancing dress

舞蹈疗法 dance therapy

舞蹈病 tarantism

舞蹈症 chorea

舞蹈鞋 pumps

赴汤蹈火 go through fire and flood; go through fire and water; go through hell and water; gone through fire and water; gone through hell and high water; went through fire and water; went through hell and high water

蹈火审判法 ignis judicium

