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谈到的英文翻译 谈到英文怎幺说 谈到的英文例句



[tán dào]

    to refer to
    to speak about
    to talk about

refer [ri'fә:(r)]

    vt.提交,谈及,归诸于,指点把...提交,使求助于 vi.提到,涉及,查阅,谘询

speak [spi:k]



我们过去经常长谈到淩晨。We used to talk into the small hours.我们经常听到大家谈到代沟问题。We've always hear people talk of the generation gap.我在书中谈到的,叫做卟啉症I talk about it in my book it` s called porphyria锡:您谈到了决赛?Sn: you talking about a playoff?现在他还会自嘲地谈到那次难忘的崩溃。He now pokes fun at the memorable meltdown.一谈到核子物理学我就茫然不知。I'm out of my depth when it comes to nuclear physics.在谈到这个问题时,形象设计师凯农说得更加直接和尖刻,Stylist cannon is more direct and sharp when talking about this matter.在这次全国祈祷和追思活动中,德克萨斯州的主教杰克斯谈到了圣经中乐善好施的撒玛利亚人。In his sermon at the national day of prayer and remembrance texas bishop t.d.这时我想起了某个水手的故事,里头谈到了一只称做大鹏鸟的大鸟。Then I remembered a sailor's story about a large bird called a roc.


所谈到的 spoken of

至于谈到 in the matter of

被谈到 talked about

谈到 advertency; spoke of

谈到...的话题 come to the topic of

谈到本题 touch ground

谈到细节 descend to particulars; descned to particulars

通信谈到 correspond about

