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谭的英文翻译 谭英文怎幺说 谭的英文例句



    surname Tan

surname [sә:neim]

    n.姓 v.用姓称呼

tan [tæn]

    n.日晒后的颜色,棕褐色,茶色 adj.棕褐色的,茶色 v.晒黑,晒成褐色


重庆谭木匠工艺品有限公司。Chongqing carpenter tan handicrafts co. ltd.《天方夜谭》是本有趣的书。The arabian nights is an interesting book.附录:中文部分由谭咏麟的歌词”朋友”改编。Ps: the chinese part is adapted from the lyrics of a chinese song "friends" by yong lin tan.可以请谭小姐听电话吗?May I speak to miss tan please?他最近正在用义大利语翻译天方夜谭He just translated the arabian nights into ltalian.谭波尔小姐似乎在抗议。Miss temple seemed to remonstrate.谭华正博士为着名工业家及慈善家。Dr tam is a well-known industrialist and philanthropist.谭辉:首先让我们打开bl6。Tom tam: we open the bl6first.这是《天方夜谭》中的一个故事。It is a story in the arabian nights.

