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blanket [blæŋkit]

    n.毯子 vt.覆盖

rug [rʌg]



一些红色和黄色的地毯纤维,一些头髮。A few red and yellow carpet fibers some hair.一张土耳其地毯盖在长椅的靠背上。A turkish rug lay draped over the back of the settee.在另外一幢房子里,窗帘是乙烯基塑胶製成的,地毯和衣物都是羊毛的。In the other house the draperies were of vinyl plastic and rugs and clothing were made of wool.在门口地毯上把泥浆蹭去Tracked mud on the rug.


丁旦粗棉毯 tindein

丁旦粗棉毯 tindein

七色织锦方台毯 mixed tapestry satin 7-colour square tabld cloth

七色织锦长台毯 mixed tapestry satin 7-colour rectangle table cloth

三层组织地毯 three-ply carpet

三色纯毛提花毛毯 three-colour woollen jacquard blanket

三色织锦台毯 mixed tapestry satin 3-colour table cloth

上海手织平针毯 Shanghai hand-made hooked rug

上海绒毯 Shanghai velvet rug

上海绳条地毯 Shanghai braided rug

上海绵山羊毛毯 Shanghai sheep wool and goat hair rug

不剪绒的地毯 unclipped carpet

不需保养的地毯 coddle-free carpet

丙纶地毯胶 polypropylene fibre carpet adhesive

东南亚粗羊毛毯 khombal

东方厚地毯 lule

东方地毯 eastern carpet oriental carpet oriental rug

东方式壁炉地毯 odjaklik

东方式壁炉地毯 odjaklik

东方手织地毯 oriental hand-woven carpet

东方走廊地毯 makatlik

东方走廊地毯 makatlik

东方风格地毯 American oriental

东方风格地毯 American oriental

东方风格大地毯 Hali

东方风格大地毯 Hali

丝光地毯 sheen-finished rug

丝毛交织毯 silk wool interwoven rug

丝毛混织地毯 silk woollen mixed knitting carpet

丝毯 silk carpet silk rug silk tapestry

