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木马的英文翻译 木马英文怎幺说 木马的英文例句



[mù mǎ]

    wooden horse
    rocking horse
    vaulting horse (gymnastics)

wooden [wud(ә)n]


horse [hɔ:s]

    n.马,[总称]骑兵,脚架,马力 vi.骑马,作弄人 vt.使骑马,系马于

rocking [rɔkiŋ]


vaulting [vɔ:ltin]

    n.拱形圆顶,圆屋顶 adj.跳的,跳过的,夸大的


特洛依木马病毒是什幺?What is a trojan horse?玩具马,摇摇马用作玩具马的东西,例如成年人的膝或摇木马Something used as a toy horse such as the knee of an adult or a rocking horse.我不喜欢这个旋转木马。A: I don't like the merry-go-round.我登陆系统后,执行了木马程式Once I was in the syst executed a trojan horse program.我好象记得楼上有个木马I seem to recall that there's a rocking horse upstairs somewhere.我看你还是去追摇木马比较有把握I think you've got more chance of getting shit out of a rocking horse.我们会建一个巨大中空的木马。We would build a large wooden horse that was hollow inside.我们声明木马会给特洛伊人带来好运的。We declared that the wooden horse would bring good luck to the trojans.我们削成一匹木马。We whittled a wooden horse.我宁可把我的钱押在一匹三条腿的木马上I'd rather put my money on a three-legged rocking horse.我想骑旋转木马。I want to ride on the merry-go-round.我要坐旋转木马。I want to try the merry-go-round.我坐在旋转木马上,I am riding on the merry-go-round.重新启动你的电脑,删除木马档。Reboot your machine and delete the trojan horse.最新的病毒以及木马资讯你能在这里找到,The newest virus as well as the wooden horse information you can find in here


旋转木马 merry go round

木马 gym-horse

木马架 horse scaffold

活动木马 adjustable vaulting horse

特洛伊木马攻击 Trojan horse attack

