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浮起的英文翻译 浮起英文怎幺说 浮起的英文例句



[fú qǐ]

    to float
    to emerge

float [flәut]

    n.漂流物,浮舟,漂浮,浮萍,彩车 vi.浮动,飘浮,散播,摇摆,漂浮,动摇(计画等)付诸实行 vt.使漂浮,容纳,淹没,发行,实行,用水注满

emerge [i'mә:dʒ]



我们等待涨潮让潮水把船浮起离开沙滩We wait for the tide to float the boat off the sandbank雷根经济的涨潮(繁荣)并未浮起每一只船(使人人受惠)。Admission that the rising tide of the reagan economy has not lifted every boat.“这只特别的球能浮起来,This special golf ball floats.当磁性浮力足够大时,就能将铝球浮起来。The aluminum will float up when the magnetic buoyant force is large enough.那只救生筏是由两只密封的油筒浮起来的。The life raft was buoyed up by two airtight oil drums.她脸上浮起一阵红晕。The flush mounted to her face.一排能浮起的圆桶。A row of buoyant cylinders.奥勃良说过,“要是我愿意的话,可以像肥皂泡一样离地飘浮起来。”If I wished'o'brien had said'i could float off this floor like a soap bubble. '那幺像鸭子、轮船等等东西为什幺会浮起来呢?So why do ducks and ships and suchlike float?他俩从希拉蕊期到米迦勒节之间在一起灌下的酒可以浮起一艘豪华巨轮。What the two drank together between hilary term and michaelmas might have floated a king's ship.需要一定的水深以使船浮起。Require a specified depth for floating.只要我愿意,我可以像肥皂泡一样,在这间屋子里飘浮起来。I could float off this floor like a soap bubble if I wish to.


使浮起 buoy up; buoy up with

浮起 float off

浮起的浮船坞 emptied floating dry dock

潜艇浮起 submarine surfacing

