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单人的英文翻译 单人英文怎幺说 单人的英文例句




    single person

single [siŋg(ә)l]

    adj.单一的,单身的,单纯的,孤独的,专一的,个别的 n.一个,单打,单精确度型 vt.选出 vi.[棒]作一垒打

person [pә:s(ә)n]



我们有单人套房、一房至四房的单位、连家俱或不连家俱的单位。We have single one-bedroom to four-bedroom furnished or unfurnished.我想要一个单人房间。I want a single room.我想要一个有单人床的单人房间。I want a single room with a single bed.我想要一间带淋浴设备并有两张单人床的双人房。A twin room with shower please.我想要一间单人房间。I'd like to a single room.我要带洗澡间的。两张单人床吗?I'll take a room with bath.does it have twin beds?屋子里有两张单人床。There is two single bed in the room.一个有浴室的单人房间。A single room with a bath.一种单人平底雪橇供一个人或两个人的竞赛雪橇,滑时滑行者需仰卧A racing sled for one or two people that is ridden with the rider or riders lying supine.预定的是单人房间吗?Is it for a single room?


出单人 issuer

单人业主 single proprietorship

单人业主制 single proprietorship

单人公司 sole corporation; one-man company

单人单桨小艇 canoesingle

单人双浆赛艇 scull

单人呼吸器具 escape lung

单人囚禁制 system of single imprisonment

单人客票 individual ticket

单人平地机 one-man grader

单人床 single bed

单人操作 one-man operation

单人操作铺路机 one-man paver

单人牢房 cell; icebox

单人生产控制系统 one person production control system

单人直升机 one-man helicopter

单人逃生塔 one-man escape tower

单人选区二轮多数制 two-round majority voting system in a single-member district

单人钻机 one-man drill

单人铺位 n. single bunk

单人链锯机 one-man chain saw

单人镗床 one-man borer

持单人指示提单 bearer order bill of lading

持单人提单 bearer bill of lading BL)

提单持单人 holder of a bill of labing

