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    on stage

stage [steidʒ]

    n.舞台,戏剧,活动场所,发展的进程,阶段或时期,驿站 vt.上演,筹备,举行


在门口,她拉住布洛斯的衣袖,象在舞台上演戏一样轻声说:“告诉我――他是什幺人?”At the door she caught bloggs's sleeve and said in a stage whisper "tell me-what is he?"在平台上设置风气象站。The platform is provided with wind meteorological station.在拳击台上被击得鲜血直流;Was battered and bloodied in the prize ring;在台上的这三个人The three people on the stage...在台上了吗?For king and queen on the stage?在问答阶段,两位候选人站在同一个讲台上。The two candidates shared a platform for the question and answer session.在校正平台上安置车辆。Set vehicle on straightening bench.週六,这条眼镜蛇就放在旅游胜地帕塔亚某地的一个舞台上。The cobras were released onto a stage set up in the resort town of pattaya saturday.只有在澳洲,银行会前后门大敞,却小气的把柜檯上的笔用绳子拴住。Do banks leave both doors open and chain the pens to the counters.主席台上装饰了彩旗和鲜花。The rostrum was decorated with banners and flowers.


不在舞台上的 off stage

在柜檯上交付 pay over the counter

在柜檯上支付 pay over the counter

在舞台上 before the lights

平台上部设施 topside facility

船台上检修 n. inspection on slipway

试验台上试验 rig testing

