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    treat as
    regard as

treat [tri:t]

    n.宴请,款待,请客 vt.视为,对待,论述,治疗,款待 vi.交涉,谈判,协商,款待,作东

as [әz]

    adv.同样地,被看作,象 prep.当做 conj.与...一样,当...之时,象,因为 [域] American Samoa,东萨摩亚 [军] Air to Surface,空对地 (As)symb [化]砷 (arsenic)

regard [ri'ga:d]

    n.关心,注意,尊敬,尊重,致意,问候,关係 vt.看待,当作,重视,尊敬,关係


一个有希望被当作最佳配偶的人。A person regarded as a good matrimonial prospect.以往的研究证明这些小昆虫把太阳当作指南针,为它们指路。Past studies have shown that the insects use the sun as a compass to show them the way.与红笛鲷相似并经常被当作红笛鲷来卖。Similar to and often marketed as "red snapper".在异教中,女人被当作通向天堂之路来崇拜In paganism women were worshiped as a route to heaven...则该人员的可供计算退休金的服务期须当作为─His pensionable service shall be deemed to be-


做出易于被人当作新闻来传播的事情 made news; make news

将...当作自己的任务 made it his business; make it our business; make it your business

当作 by way of

当作...用 did duty for; done duty for

当作...用不行 will not do for

当作互无亏欠 call it square

当作互无胜负 call it square

当作好意 take it kindly; taken it kindly; took it kindly

当作秘密 be between ourselves

当作耳旁风 go in one ear and out the other

把...当作 count as; read as; treat like

把...当作值得夸耀的事 made a merit of; make a merit of

把...当作喜庆的日子 mark with a white stone

把...当作崇拜的物件 put on a pedestal

把...当作损耗处理 charge off

把...当作替罪羊 throw someone to the wolves

把...当作现象看待 phenomenalize

把...当作自己的功劳宣传 make a merit of

把...当作节日欢庆 made holiday

把...错当作 misdeem for

拿...当作教训 take warning by

被当作是 taken as

