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某物的英文翻译 某物英文怎幺说 某物的英文例句



[mǒu wù]


something [sʌmθiŋ]

    pron.某事,某物 adj.有点象,大约


退路某人可以凭藉或隐退的某物Something to which one can resort or retreat.拖曳的某物,如拖轮Something such as a tugboat that tows.为购买某物进行商谈。Negotiate for the purchase of sth.溢价某物高于标準价或票面价的价值,如钱或证券The amount at which something is valued above its par or nominal value as money or securities.用浮石(把某物)磨光使之变得乾净、光亮或柔滑To clean polish or smooth with pumice.用压力在某物上移动。Move over something with pressure.余额剩下的某物;余数Something that is left over; a remainder.在矿井顶部杆上用于提升某物的索具The rigging for hauling or lifting located at the head of a mine shaft.在某物的上面放上另外的物体。Put something on top of something else.这些动词指视觉上或精神上意识到某物。These verbs refer to being or becoming visually or mentally aware of something.足够大似乎可以使某物破裂;非常强烈或喧闹的。Seemingly loud enough to break something; violently rattling or clattering.足以填满某物或使人满足的量。A quantity sufficient to satisfy.阻止某物运动的抑制装置。A restraint that checks the motion of something.


买得起某物 afford to buy something

使某物原封不动 keep sth.intact

在市场上觅购某物 be in the market for sth.

把某物拿出拍买 bring sth.under the hammer

把某物拿出拍卖 bring something under the hammer

控制或施加某种约束于某物的东西 n. bit

提出有权得到某物 put in a claim for

某物的尺寸 n. scantling

认领某物 put in a claim for

