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当兵的英文翻译 当兵英文怎幺说 当兵的英文例句




    to serve in the army
    to be a soldier

serve [sә:v]

    v.当僕人,服务,服役,供职,招待,侍候,供应,适合 n.发球

army [a:mi]


soldier [sәuldʒә(r)]



他年龄一到就入伍当兵了。He enlisted as a soldier in the army as soon as he was old enough.他天生不是当兵的料,当兵他是永远不会快乐的。He is not meant for a soldier and will always be unhappy in the army.狄克告诉我他在印度当兵。我考了他一下,发现他是撒谎。Dick told me he had been a soldier in India. I put him through his paces, and found he was lying.你的长子现在在当兵Then your first-born son in the military.他选择当兵而不是上大学。He chose the gun instead of the cap and gown.我当兵的时候手指冻伤了When I was a soldier my fingers were frostbitten.但他不想当兵。But he didn't want to become a soldier.当兵工厂表现出色整支球队都会表现出色。When arsenal play well the whole team play well.当兵也是,马恩河、瓦伏、索姆The marne the woevre the somme...那个应募而来的人同意当兵,拿出半英镑作为双方成交的酒钱。The recruit took the condition of soldier with half a pound to make it a wet bargain.


当兵 bore arms; borne arms; follow the drum; take the king''s shilling; take the queen''s shilling; taken the king''s shilling; taken the queen''s shilling; took the king''s shilling; took the queen''s shilling; trail a pike; wear the king''s coat

穿上军装当兵 put on the suit

