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牟的英文翻译 牟英文怎幺说 牟的英文例句



    surname Mou

surname [sә:neim]

    n.姓 v.用姓称呼

mou [mu:]

    [军] Memorandum of Understanding,谅解备忘录


非常感谢您接受我堑牟煞谩?Rudi: thank you very much for taking the time.他们在高档黄金饰品中掺假以牟取暴利。They adulterated the high-quality gold ornaments to reap fabulous profits.壁画上是释迦牟尼在说法。The mural depicts sakyamuni teaching.释迦牟尼据说在一棵知识之树下静坐时获得觉悟。Buddha said enlightenment came while sitting beneath the tree of knowledge.在供应短缺时牟取暴利。Make an unreasonable profit as on the sale of difficult to obtain goods.


以牟利为目的 for the purpose of seeking private interests; for the purposes of seeking personal gains

套购牟利 profit taking

操纵有价证券从中牟利 milk the street

操纵证券从中牟利 milk the street

牟利 money making

牟取暴利 make high profits; seek exorbitant profits; making of exorbitant profits

非法牟利 illegal profiteering

非法牟取 grab

