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檯面的英文翻译 檯面英文怎幺说 檯面的英文例句



[tái miàn]

    billiards table

billiards [biljәdz]


table [teib(ә)l]

    n.桌子,餐桌,工作台,平地层,石板,表格 adj.桌子的,檯子的 vt.搁置,嵌合,製錶


椭圆形的水池。拖到檯面上。Oval-shaped sink.drag on top of a countertop.围在撞球桌檯面周围的边缘。The rim bordering the playing surfaceof a billiard table.橡皮垫条围在撞球桌檯面周围的边缘The rim bordering the playing surface of a billiard table.檯面板:採用实芯理化板或环氧树脂板。Table-board: using solid physiochemical board or epoxy resin table-board.选择模组式工作台面的深度。Select the depth of the modular work surface.


檯面 table top

檯面二极体 measa diode

檯面呢 baigue baize

檯面呢 baigue baize

檯面工艺 mesa technique

檯面式雷射器 mesa surface laser

檯面电晶体 mesa transistor

檯面条状雷射器 mesa stripe laser

圆台面洗脸盆 round counter-top vanity basin

外延檯面式光电电晶体 epitaxial mesa phototransistor

外延檯面电晶体 epitaxial mesa transistor

外延生长檯面式电晶体 epitaxial mesa transistor

巴西檯面呢 Brazilian baize

杉木檯面 fir wood table top

椭圆形檯面洗脸盆 oval counter-top vanity basin

比尔檯面呢 bure

比罗檯面呢 bureau

点接触合金檯面型电晶体 dot alloy mesa transistor

点状檯面电晶体 dot mesa transistor

环檯面 loop

粗檯面呢 baique

粗檯面呢 baique

蚀刻檯面隐埋异质结雷射器 etched mesa buried heterostructure laser

超檯面象片数位化 image freeze

